
ggetrs currently consists of the following modules:


These modules perform single line utility functions like performing a gene-set enrichment analysis or returning the PDB structure of an input protein.

Module NameDescription
enrichrPerform an enrichment analysis on a list of genes using Enrichr
archs4Find the most correlated genes to a gene of interest or find the gene's tissue expression atlas using ARCHS4
blastBLAST a nucleotide or amino acid sequence to any BLAST database
searchFetch genes and transcripts from Ensembl using free-form search terms.
infoFetch extensive gene and transcript metadata from Ensembl, Uniprot, and NCBI.
seqFetch nucleotide or amino acid sequences of genes or transcripts from Ensembl or Uniprot respectively.
ucscPerform a BLAT search using the UCSC Genome Browser.
pdbGet structure and metadata of a protein from the RCSB Protein Data Bank

Database Queries

These modules perform descriptive searches by querying databases directly using their publicly available APIs.

Module NameDescription
chemblPerform a bioactivity search for any protein of interest using Chembl
ensemblPerform Ensembl related queries from their public API.
uniprotQuery Uniprot directly for gene/protein information.
ncbiQuery NCBI directly for gene/protein information.

Quality of Life

These modules improve the quality of life of anybody using a terminal.

Module NameDescription
autocompleteGenerates an autocompletion file for your shell of choice for a better terminal experience.