
Installing via Cargo

This can be installed easily through the rust package manager cargo. If you have never used rust before it is easily installed with a single command here.

# install ggetrs from
cargo install ggetrs

Installing via Github

git clone
cd ggetrs
cargo install --path .

Installing the Python Module

If you are also interested in using the python interface for ggetrs you will first need to install maturin and then install ggetrs.

# clone the repo
git clone
cd ggetrs

# install maturin
pip install maturin

# install ggetrs to your current environment
maturin develop

No conda / venv environment

Currently maturin develop requires a conda or venv environment to be active before installing a python module, but you can install it manually by first building the wheel then manually pip installing the wheel.

# clone the repo
git clone
cd ggetrs

# install maturin
pip install maturin

# build the python wheel
maturin build

# install the python wheel manually
pip install target/wheels/*.whl