Reference Library

Reference library format

You will need to identify what your reference library is. In most cases this is a either a csv or a fasta file of sgrna names and sequences.

The input we expect should be a fasta file of the sgrna library. Here is an example of what that looks like:


Processing reference library

There are a few processing steps that we will perform to validate that the reference library is in the expected format and without errors. Then we will generate an sgrna -> gene mapping file.


We will first convert the fasta to fully uppercase

fxtools upper -i <your_fasta.fa> -o upper.fa


We will then identify any duplicate sequences and remove them from the analysis.

fxtools unique -i upper.fa -o uniq.fa -n ambiguous.fa

sgRNA to gene mapping

If your sgrna library is named predictably of the form: <gene>_<information>... we can automatically generate the sgrna to gene mapping with fxtools

fxtools sgrna-table -i uniq.fa -o g2s.txt

Variable regions

This next step will not apply to everyone - and it depends on whether your reference library is purely the variable region of your guides or if it also contains the constant adapter sequences.

Generally if your sequences are longer than about 23bp then your adapater sequence is still on. You can validate this by seeing if all your sequences share either the same prefix or suffix.

If so - we will need to remove those constant regions and just operate with the variable region.

We can use fxtools for this:

fxtools extract-variable -i uniq.fa -o uniq.var.fa