[ gia subtract ]


This subcommand calculates the genomic regions found within the first input (query) while excluding regions in the second (target).

(query)     x-------------y        x----------y   x------y
(target)        i------j        i------j        i-----------j
            x---i      j--y     i--x   j------y i-x      y--j


See full arguments and options using:

gia subtract --help

Default Behavior (Merging)

By default the intervals in the query and target are merged before subtraction to calculate the difference across the subspans.

(query)            x-------y
(target)               i----j
(merged_q)        x------------------y
(merged_t)             i-----------j
(subtraction)     x----i           j-y
gia subtract -a <query.bed> -b <target.bed>

Unmerged Subtraction

If you would like to keep the intervals separate on merging then you can supply the -u flag to keep the intervals separate.

(query)            x---------y
(target)               i---j
(subtraction)     x----i

This is useful in cases where the intervals are separate classes and it doesn't make sense biologically to merge their interval spans.

gia subtract -a <query.bed> -b <target.bed> -u

Fractional Overlap

We can also define conditional subtraction operations on fractional overlaps of the query, target, or both.

This means that the subtraction will only be done on query-target pairs which meet the fractional overlap predicate provided.

On Query

(query)       x------------------------y    x------y
(target)                 i--j                  i---j
(-f 0.5)
(sub)         x------------------------y    x--i

We can supply a minimum overlap requirement on the query with the -f flag.

This will only apply subtraction operations on query-target pairs in which the target overlaps the query by the amount required in the -f argument.

In the example case, only the second query-target pair was operated upon since the first did not overlap the query by 50%.

gia subtract -a <query.bed> -b <target.bed> -f 0.5

On Target

(query)       x------------------------y    x------y
(target)                 i--j                  i--------------j
(-F 0.5)
(sub)         x----------i  j----------y    x------y

We can supply a minimum overlap requirement on the target with the -F flag.

This will only apply subtraction operations on query-target pairs in which the query overlaps the target by the amount required in the -F argument.

In the example case, only the first query-target pair was operated upon since the second did not overlap the target by 50%.

gia subtract -a <query.bed> -b <target.bed> -f 0.5


We can introduce a reciprocal argument (-r) which requires the -f flag and requires that both query and target meet the same requirements of the flag.

gia subtract -a <query.bed> -b <target.bed> -f 0.5 -r


We can introduce the either flag (-e) which is used with both the -f and -F flags. This will require that either condition is met and include those subtraction operations.

gia subtract -a <query.bed> -b <target.bed> -f 0.5 -F 0.3 -e