[ gia closest ]


Similar to intersect, closest searches for the closest feature in B for each feature in A.

The closest feature is not necessarily non-overlapping and under certain search constraints may not exist.

Note: Chromosomal Distance

There is no notion of interchromosomal distance, so if an interval is alone on an interval in A, then there will be no closest interval in B.


See full arguments and options using:

gia closest --help

Default Behavior

(a)           x----------y
(b)   i-----j                 i-------j

By default closest will return the single closest, potentially overlapping, feature in B for each interval in A.

Ties will be given to the left-most interval with the closest start coordinate to the query.

gia closest -a <input.bed> -b <input.bed>

Closest Upstream

(a)               x----------y
(b)   i-----j                 i-------j

You can explicitly exclude all downstream intervals from the search, regardless of their distance, with the upstream flag.

gia closest -a <input.bed> -b <input.bed> -u

Closest Downstream

(a)          x----------y
(b)   i-----j                 i-------j

You can explicitly exclude all upstream intervals from the search, regardless of their distance, with the downstream flag.

gia closest -a <input.bed> -b <input.bed> -d