[ gia random ]


This subcommand will generate a random set of intervals.


See full arguments and options using:

gia random --help


This generates intervals given:

  • Number of Intervals
  • Length of Intervals
  • Number of Chromosomes
  • Max Chromosome Length

The intervals are drawn randomly from a random chromosome and are each equally sized to the length provided.

An optional *.genome file can be given to provide multiple and potentially differently sized chromosome lengths.

# will randomly generate intervals given default params
gia random

# sets the number of chromosomes to 10
gia random -c 10

# generates 100 random intervals
gia random -n 100

# generates 100 random intervals each with a length of 500
gia random -n 100 -l 500

# generates 100 random intervals with a length of 500 using a prior genome
gia random -n 100 -l 500 -g <my.genome>