[ gia extend ]


This subcommand is used to grow intervals from either of their terminals. It can be used to either grow both sides, just the left, or just the right. An optional -g flag can be given if the chromosome length is known, which will be used to truncate growths to not overextend the chromosome length.


See full arguments and options using:

gia extend --help

Extend Left

(input)          x---------y    x------y
(output)   x---------------y

This grows the intervals to the left but truncates to zero to avoid negatives.

gia extend -i <input.bed> -l 20

Extend Right

(input)          x---------y    x------y
(output)         x---------------y

This grows the intervals to the right but truncates to chromosome max if a .genome file is provided.

gia extend -i <input.bed> -r 20

Extend Both (Equal)

(input)          x---------y    x------y
(output)    x-------------------y

This grows the intervals to the left and right by an equal amount. This will truncate to zero if a potential negative is encountered and will truncate to the chromozome max if a .genome file is provided.

gia extend -i <input.bed> -b 20

Extend Both (Unequal)

(input)          x---------y    x------y
(output)    x---------------y

This grows the intervals to the left and right by an unequal amount. The growth to the left is controlled by the -l flag and the growth to the right is controlled by the -r flag separately.

This will truncate to zero if a potential negative is encountered and will truncate to the chromozome max if a .genome file is provided.

gia extend -i <input.bed> -l 20 -r 5