about me

I'm a bioinformatics PhD candidate in the Kampmann Lab and Goodarzi Lab.

I study the role of gene regulatory network dysfunction in neurodegenerative disease with a focus on building computational methods to infer cell state transitions from single-cell sequencing data. I also study the effects of transcriptional perturbations in brain cell types using high-throughput single-cell perturbations (CROPSeq).

I'm broadly interested in dynamical systems modeling, complex networks, machine learning and all their intersections in the context of systems biology.

Before starting my PhD I worked for 3 years with Bryan Greenhouse at the EPPICenter where I developed tools for high throughput population genetics analyses of malaria transmission.

I am a huge advocate for open source and this site is a means to distribute the tools that I have built, tutorials for bioinformatics analyses, and other things I find interesting in that space.